Friday, February 10, 2012

Divine Grace

Hari Om, 

Sri Jagdish Badoni of Baroda writes: 

My father came home after 50 days of hospitalisation. He was treated for an illness called hallucination, in the most modern and well equipped hospital by a galaxy of reputed and experienced medical specialists. At home  a top Neurosurgeon regularly attended him. He was receiving the best treatment known in the medical science for this type of sickness. The treatment cost was very heavy, about Rs. 1.4 lacs. Despite all efforts there was no improvement in his mental condition. He was not aware of the present - he would slide back in the past.He was in a strange condition and lost to himself.

As willed by the Divine, in the month of January, 1993 Swami Chidanandaji - my Gurudev - came to Baroda, and I went to have his Darshan. By sheer grace Swamiji accepted my request to see my father.

I escorted my father to see Swamiji around 1.45 p.m. While talking to him, Swamiji's face was radiant with his usual benign smile, there was unique compassion and love in his eyes. He took an apple, cut it in to pieces, peeled off its skin and with his own hand, put in the mouth of my father. It was a unique moment. How much love was there! How much compassion was there! My whole being was permeated with joy and happiness - not knowing what was happening.

Soon after I left my father at home, at 3.30 p.m., I received a phone call from my wife, "Pitaji has come back to his normal senses. It is a miracle - Swamiji has done it. He is alright and is talking in sense." She was so excited. My father is still alive and happy and is in full senses. He does not remember at all that he was ever in the hospital and ever had any mental illness.

This great Master, so simple, so child-like, so innocent has done what others could not do. We are blessed to have Him as our Satguru.

Source : Harih Karta - Thy Will Be Done

Om Namoh Bhagavathe Sivanandaya !

Om Namoh Bhagavathe Chidanandaya !

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